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Arceria's Application:Paladin healer.

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Arceria's Application:Paladin healer. Empty Arceria's Application:Paladin healer.

Post  arclight Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:36 am

Name: Arceria

Class and Level: lvl 80 Paladin

Current Spec: Holy Spec 51/20/0

Are you willing to respec for raids? Yes

Professions: Skinning 450/450, Enchanting 135/225 (Don't have the money to go further)

Do you have Ventrilo? Yes

Do you have a working non-staticky headset/microphone? Yes

Gameplay Schedule: We usually raid 25 mans Wed, Thurs, 5 - 8:30 ST and Friday 6-9 ST. We have a lot of 10man runs throughout the week List when you are typically online or available to play. Please be very specific and accurate.

Sunday: Commit
Monday: Commit
Tuesday: Commit
Wednesday: Commit
Thursday: Commit
Friday: Sometimes
Saturday: Sometimes

Previous Guilds: Moonlight Resonance. The guild is mine, but I left it in the hands of my officers so that I can gear up more easily and this will free up some of my own time.

Raiding Experience

Classic WoW:No

Burning Crusade: The Battle for Mount Hyjal

Wrath of the Lich King: VoA 10/25, Ony 25, Uld 10

Current Gear: List the items you currently have equipped or provide a link to The Armory.
Age: 14
Location:Asia. I will not say specifically where for fears of reprisal.

When did you start playing WoW?
Early December 2008
Days played on this character?
12 Days.
Alts: Arceris, Arçlight, Demitro, Arcerie, Çemistraz, Arcenie, Enteria

Guild References: NIL

Comments: Well I am seeking advice from top pally healer in the server and because of them I generally know what gear is best for my healing style.

Thank you for your time!

By submitting this application I hereby affirm that information provided herein is true, that I have read and understand the Guild Guidelines / Recruitment Policies, and that I agree to abide by all Guild Rules, Policies, and Regulations.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-10-02

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