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Everton's Application - Paladin

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Everton's Application - Paladin Empty Everton's Application - Paladin

Post  everton Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:23 pm

Name: Everton
Class and Level: 80 Paladin
Current Spec: Ret 7/7/57
Are you willing to respec for raids? Yes to Tank, but only as a backup
Achievements: This guy - about 1000. Most ever on any char - about 6000
Professions: Mining 450 Engineering 440
Rare Profession Abilities: Repair bots

Do you have Ventrilo? Yes
Do you have a working non-staticky headset/microphone and are able to maturely converse in vent? Yes

Gameplay Schedule: We usually raid 25 mans Tues and Wed at 5-8:30 server time. List when you are typically online or available to play. Please be very specific and accurate.

Sunday: sometimes, varies
Monday: commit 5-12
Tuesday: commit 5-12
Wednesday: commit 5-9
Thursday: commit 5-12
Friday: sometimes 6-9
Saturday: sometimes, varies

Previous Guilds: Tons on other servers in the past, usually left because the guild fell apart due to attrition or people leaving

Raiding Experience

Classic WoW: MC BWL

Burning Crusade: SSC TK Mag Gruul

Wrath of the Lich King: Naxx 10/25 Sarth 2d and Maly

Current Gear:

RL Name: Decline to state
Age: 21
Location: California

When did you start playing WoW?
a couple months after it came out

Days played on this character?

Alts: Ent, 80 druid on same server. But I almost never play him now.

What kind of computer do you play on?
macbook pro

How do you connect to Internet?

Guild References:
aurius and arenite

Comments: I've been playing this game way longer than most people would like to admit, and I'm skilled at it. I could probably count the number of times I've died due to standing in fire or to the safety dance on my fingers. I hit 80 just yesterday, but I'm already pulling more than 2k dps, which is very sadly more than can be said for many people I've had to group with.

By submitting this application I hereby affirm that information provided herein is true, that I have read and understand the Guild Guidelines / Recruitment Policies, and that I agree to abide by all Guild Rules, Policies, and Regulations.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-09-14

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